IT Resellers
ITAD for IT sales people. Resell our ITAD services.
The demand for IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) services is increasing, creating a unique opportunity for resale of our resources. Capitalize on the opportunity to sell ITAD services as part of your own portfolio, with program execution provided by eWaste ePlanet.
Offering your customers IT takeout services when you install new equipment solves an important pain point for them. When you attach IT asset disposition (ITAD) services to the sale of a new package, you build a new revenue stream and help your customer plan for their assets’ safe retirement. Use our ITAD solutions to help your clients achieve compliance, mitigate risk, and keep e-waste out of landfills.

IT Lessors
ITAD & Electronics Recycling for IT Lessors
eWaste ePlanet works with IT equipment resellers and lessors to provide IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) solutions when lessees’ contracts expire. We simplify the returns process and maximize value of returned IT assets by working with both the lessor and lessee to restore devices and drives to their pre-lease condition. We call this process Reverse Logistics.
Our Reverse Logistics solution includes Secure Pickup & Transport, Data Destruction, Asset Testing, Asset Repair, Parts Harvesting, and detailed Reporting.
Secure Pickup and Transport
Our strict guidelines for packaging, collecting and transporting assets ensures a secure Chain of Custody while protecting you from unnecessary risk and expense.
Data Security
eWaste ePlanet ensures that data-bearing devices are sanitized safely and properly using methods aligned with NIST 800-88 and Department of Defense guidelines. Drives that cannot be sanitized are shredded to prevent data recovery.
Repurposing & Recycling
eWaste ePlanet puts an emphasis on repurposing e-waste in order to extend the life of electronic equipment and keep it out of landfills. We offer dismantling, refurbishment, and remarketing of assets to promote sustainability. We follow strict guidelines that meet or exceed today's leading environmental standards to recycle scrap materials.
Throughout the ITAD process, eWaste ePlanet offers a secure and transparent Chain of Custody, ending with a Certificate of Destruction, Certificate of Recycling, or fully detailed, Serialized Audit Report of all the devices and hard drives we've processed.
Our reporting and certification establishes a transfer of liability, and assures that all items entrusted to eWaste ePlanet are in fact destroyed and recycled in a compliant manner. This documentation is your tangible proof of a job well done and can be used for audit purposes.
Our Data Destruction services meet the standards set forth by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD 5220.22M Specifications) and the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST 800-88 Guidelines for Media Destruction).
Equipment Buyback/Revenue Sharing
Does eWaste ePlanet buy old computers?
If you have over 100 NON-end-of-life items, or if your items are valued at more than $5,000 total, we may be interested in purchasing them.We regularly make offers on pickups that we audit on-site. Our buyback program turns your assets into cash.
We also have a great downstream network of buyers, and can sell your equipment on consignment. Our revenue sharing program benefits everyone.
If you have an equipment list to submit for buyback or revenue sharing, Request a Quote today!
Are you leasing IT equipment? Ask about our end-of-lease buyout programs for lessors and lessees.